Adult Nordic Ski ProgramS

Adult Starters

The Adult Starters group is for skiers just starting or returning to the sport after years away. Learn the basics of cross-country skiing so you can begin to ski longer with less effort and meet some new friends along the way.

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Adult Intermediate

The Adult Intermediate group is for those who have skied for a few years or have graduated from the Starters program. Continue to level up your cross-country ski skills to be able to ski more varied terrain with confidence.

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Adult Loppet Ready

The Loppet Ready program is for those that really want to level up their cross country ski racing. This program is for intermediate level or higher skiers. The target races for this program will be the Nipika Panorama Toby Creek Loppet Weekend at the end of January and Golden’s Huckleberry Loppet in February.

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Adult Dryland Training

This is for anyone who wants a jump start on the season to get ready. Tempo sessions, strength training, strides and one evening of Learn to Roller Ski for those interested in giving it a try to help you get into shape for the upcoming season.

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